Wood C&S is a technology conference that presents the:
Science and Technology behind the Development, Performance, Application, and Interaction of coatings and the substrates to which they are applied
Wood C&S Goals:
Advance the Science
Improve Understanding
Students and Opportunities
Provide A Forum For Discussion
It is our goal to present basic theory, science, and practical application information
that will:
- Help further advance the science of coatings and substrates
- Improve understanding of the science and technology as related to coatings and substrates
for industry participants
- Help students see the potential merits and opportunities of choosing a career in a
materials science field such as coatings, wood products, and related areas
- Provide a forum for discussion of new technologies and developments
that will:
- Help further advance the science of coatings and substrates
- Improve understanding of the science and technology as related to coatings and substrates
for industry participants
- Help students see the potential merits and opportunities of choosing a career in a
materials science field such as coatings, wood products, and related areas
- Provide a forum for discussion of new technologies and developments